
Honda VersaTool Hedgetrimmer - Long


With a 550mm double-sided blade, the longest attachment of the VersaTool family is designed for trimming foliage and tall hedges. Perfect for the commercial contractor, or for those with plenty of foliage to trim, the Honda VersaTool Long Shaft Hedgetrimmer is sure to make garden maintenance easy. It offers eleven different positions across 180°, and with its extra-long handle is the perfect tool for reaching those tricky corners.

It's a Honda!

Honda's HHH25D Hedgecutter is a great-selling product, so the VersaTool was never going to be complete without a Hedgetrimmer accessory. It's backed by a 4-Year Domestic Warranty as well as a 12-Month Commercial Warranty, which, paired with the Honda VersaTool Power Head's extensive warranties, makes for hassle-free hedgetrimming for many jobs. And of course, should you have any issues with the Honda VersaTool Long Shaft Hedgetrimmer, Honda's network of 450+ authorised dealers around Australia will be happy to help you out with minimal down time.


RRP $399

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